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  3. Using Dropsource
  4. Connecting to an API
  5. Making API Requests

Making API Requests

Each time you need to send or receive data using an API – you will make a request. With an API added to your project, you will see a drop-down list in the API tab on the right of the editor showing the available endpoints. To use a request in a page:

Adding Requests

Dropsource supports a variety of request types for retrieving, adding, updating, and deleting data, including GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.


Select one from the list and click Add to use it in a particular page. Once added the endpoint will appear in the API tab as a request you can configure.

get users added

Click a request to open it. From here you can specify parameters to send, display responses in the page, and add processing to execute when the response is received.

request detail

ⓘ Note

If you decide not to use a request in a particular page, click to open it, then use the Delete button.

delete request

Running Requests

Once you have an endpoint added to a page in your app, you need to specify when you want the request to run. This will be when an Event occurs in your app, such as the user tapping a button, or the page loading. You will typically run the request on user interaction if the parameters include data entered by the user, and on page load if the request has all of the information it needs to run straight away.

Select the relevant Element or page (in the Canvas or Element Tree) and open Properties > Events. Add an Action to your chosen Event, for example Tapped or Page Loaded.

button tap

Add the Run API Request Action, selecting the endpoint, an optional request cache mode (and cache expiration).

run request no cache

You can use the cache to minimize the number of times you need to send a request to your API and to cope with situations where the user device has no network connection. Use the cache modes to control when the app will fetch new data and when it will display cached data.

request modes

You can also detect and respond to network connectivity changes using the Network Connection Changed Event you will see on each page for your app.

network connection changed

Any Actions you add to this Event can access connectivity status using the Event Data, allowing you to add processing in response to whether or not the user device is currently connected.

connectivity test

ⓘ Note

The Network Connection Changed Event will fire whenever the connection status changes on any page of your app – and when the landing page of your app loads. A common use of this is to e.g. set a boolean Device Variable and update it to monitor the network status on each page of your app.

If your request includes parameters, configure them next. Otherwise you can display responses in the page, or process them when a response is received.

ⓘ Note

If you’re having problems with a request you’ve added to a Dropsource app, check out our troubleshooting guide.

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